Wedding is the most important celebration in one's life, as it marks the transition of a man from boyhood to manhood and a woman from girlhood to womanhood. In India, marriage is not just a social or religious obligation, but an institution, which teaches much about life and living. A blissful affair, wedding marks the union of two individuals into oneness. 

It is a step ahead that the bride and the groom takes in life and characterizes the new beginning of the couple. In India, marriage is a grand affair and comprises of many rituals and customs. 

Though the ceremonies are usually same, there are differences in the celebration aspect. Marriages in villages are a simple and modest affair. However, those performed in metropolitan cities in India are marked by exquisite Decor, sumptuous feasts and elaborate rituals.

Wedding in Indian Metro Cities
With everything becoming commercialized, why should weddings be left behind? The changing trends in India have brought a drastic change in the way marriages are celebrated, especially in the metro cities. Today, you can arrange a wedding ceremony sitting at home just with the click of a mouse, something which was unimaginable in the yesteryears, leave about doing it in practicality. 

What is even more exciting is that you can decide the venue, menu and other information about the party, without even taking a step outside. The main difference between marriages held in cities and in villages is that in the former, there is a glitz and glamour quotient that is missing in the latter.

People in the cities are much more worried about the venue of the wedding, its decoration, the menu of the day and what they will wear on the day on the marriage day, than their counterparts in village. The lifestyle of the people in cites are totally different from the village people. They do not have so much of time to look in to every details of the wedding. 

So, to reduce the burden of organizing and arranging everything, city goers usually hire wedding planner, who takes care of the entire wedding process. All you need to do is tell the wedding planner the budget of your wedding then they would plan the entire, accordingly. Nowadays, the trend of theme weddings dominates the scenario of city marriages.

Though the rituals and customs performed are mostly the same as in village wedding, the real essence of wedding in metro cities is almost lost. Amidst showbiz, glamour and opulence, the actual reason behind the celebration of marriage is not seen anymore. The guests mostly gather to show off their designer wear and exclusive jewelry piece. They don't seem to be concerned much about the newly wedded couple. 

The real fun and enjoyment of wedding celebration has faded and given way to artificial gloss and glitter. People in the metros need to realize that every wedding is a sacred and pure affair. It holds a lot of meaning and significance in the lives of the two, who are coming together, before the divine spirit to declare their true unconditional love for each other.

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