Predominantly a ladies-only affair, sangeet is an important pre-wedding ceremony observed in different parts of north India. It is a fun occasion, wherein the close female relatives of the bride and the groom gather at their respective places, to celebrate it. 

The conventional way of celebrating lady sangeet is to sing traditional songs related to the auspicious occasion of marriage. Female relatives of all ages, from the teens to the old married woman, dance to the tune of the songs sung by the elderly female relatives and family members of the bride (at her place) and the groom (at his place). The songs are accompanied by playing dholak, the traditional drum seen in north India.

With the passing time, the way of organizing ladies sangeet has also changed. The lady sangeet pre-wedding ceremony has taken the shape of a party, wherein traditional singers and dancers are called upon to entertain the guests. Booking a DJ for the occasion is a hot trend, especially among the city dwellers. 

Therefore, ladies sangeet is not just a private affair of close female relatives, but a celebration that involves the participation of the kids and in some cases, the male acquaintances as well. People take special efforts to adorn their homes with decorative items, so that the place looks just like a party venue. Here in this article, we have provided you some ideas for ladies sangeet Decor.

Ladies Sangeet Decorations Ideas
  • You may resort to the traditional way of decorating your home. For the purpose, stick to the colors schemes that reflect the ethnicity of the Indian culture. Colors like orange, maroon, yellow and shades of red can best serve the purpose.
  • Choose a color scheme and stick to it. For instance, if you have chosen maroon as the color for your ladies sangeet party Decor, then decorate the venue with items that are maroon in color. You may also bring in variation by choosing two shades of the same color, for the venue.
  • Welcome your guests by hanging a wonderful banner at the entranceway of your home. Adorn the banner with bunches of miniature festive bells that are easily available at the stores.
  • Coming to the interiors, you may hang strings of ribbons and streamers from the ceiling. Place a beautiful centerpiece, say, a flower vase, on the center table of your living room. Arrange fresh cut roses in the vase.
  • Marigold is one of the chosen flowers for festive occasions in India. For the ladies sangeet party, you may decorate your home with garlands of marigold - hang them from the windowsills, door frames and at strategic locations all over your home.
  • Traditional look can also be given to the place by using drapes with heavy embroidery and mirror work.
  • If you want to impart a western look to the decorations, then make use of colors including pastel shades of green, blue, pink, peach, sea green or mauve. Exotic flowers like orchids, lilies and carnations can also be used for the Decor.
  • If fresh cut flowers are not available, you may resort to artificial silk flowers, which look similar to their fresh counterparts. The advantage of using artificial flower arrangements is that it gives the same fresh look in the house for days together, unlike in the fresh flowers, which need to be changed everyday.

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